Thursday, 1 May 2014

OUGD401 Context of Practice Brief 02 Final Product and Evaluation

The concertina book bind really worked well for this book. It fits perfectly with the content and the way the two sides of the designs connect to one another.

There is a slight floor in one of the chase designs. I didn't notice this when I first printed the pages but for doe reason some of the furniture has disappeared when it was sent to print. However, it is impossible t go back and reprint at this stage, so I guess I will just have to regret it.

I feel that the covers really nicely reflect the essence of the content of the publication and I am really happy with the name choice. Overall I feel that I have managed to make this brief fairly successful. I was afraid that the book would feel a bit pointless or without purpose but I think this could easily be used to promote letterpress as a process to both graphic designers and their customers. It could sit quite happily in a printing workshop, or even play a part of a printing festival such as the leeds print festival. It is also an exemplar of the format that could be tailored to specific presses, showcasing both their work and their craft. Most importantly the publication is tactile and a pleasant weight to hold which i really wanted to achieve in an effort to simulate the tactility and satisfaction of the letterpress process.

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