Friday 11 December 2015

OUGD601 Context of Practice 03 Practical Piece Brief

Because there are several  requirements of this project that need to meet in order for it to be successful, I thought it prudent to write out a brief as I would with any studio work against which to measure its success.

Create four chalkboards for the Students' Union space, based around the four types of proximity explored in your dissertation. Use the process to reflect on the theory you have been exploring when applied to your practice.

Background Considerations:

-The boards will be in the Students' Union space and as such will need to be something that the SU are happy with exhibiting under their name.
-Consider the space the boards need to work in. The space around them and the distance that they will be viewed from.
-Come up with a method for exploring the distinct different types of proximity facilitated by the process even though they are most likely very synthesised in the process its self.
-Consider the time frame in which production will be executed and any possible audience to this, think about any administration hoops that need to be jumped through (risk assessment) because of the public nature of the production.


-Images of the completed boards
-Blog recording development and design process
-Recording methods of your choice examining the different types of proximity facilitated by this -project.

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