Monday 14 December 2015

OUGD601 Context of Practice 03 Practical Piece Full Breakdown of Approach to Practical and its Synthesis With Essay

As detailed in the earlier brief for this project, one of the requirements is that I consider ways to specifically examine the different types of proximity facilitated by this project. This is also a major part of the feedback that I got during the crit.

Breakdown of recording methods:

Physical Proximity:
Throughout the development process I will be recording the designs in a single sketchbook. It is my hope that by the end of the project I will have a good collection of development sketches and thoughts in the order which the occurred. These physical sketches, will demonstrate the understanding of a project gleaned through the physical act of drawing.
I will also create a time lapse video detailing the production stage of the project in which I will physically interact with the boards by drawing on them. This will provide a way of reflecting on this interaction in a way I haven't been able to before, allowing a perspective of both creator and spectator.

Social Proximity:
The time lapse video will also act as a record of all those who approaches me during the production of the chalkboards, once again providing an opportunity to reflect upon the social proximity facilitated by the craft process. The camera will be set well away from the boards, allowing people to come into frame while talking to me.
In conjunction with the sketch book, I will be keeping a critical journal of the entire project. This will be dated to correspond with the pages of the sketchbook to contextualise the reflection. I will detail any social proximity facilitated by the process, with myself and any stages where this proximity is reduced, in an effort to create a well rounded reflective image of the process.

Emotional Proximity:
The critical journal will also play a major role in exploring my emotional proximity to the project. I will reflect upon every stage of the process and how close I feel to the project.
I will also use the time lapse video to glean some feedback from other people about their response to the project by sharing the video on social media and measuring views.

Temporal Proximity:
The dated nature of the sketch book and journal will create a window into the role of time in a creative project such as this, as will the time lapse video. Inits very nature this video will communicate a sense of the time spent creating the chalkboards.
Also in terms of historical proximity, I will detail research in my blog into the historical contexts for my design decisions. For example, if the origin of a quote is a certain era, I will communicate this through the design after educating myself about the design of this era.

Synthesis with Essay:

This project synthesises with my easy in so many ways. The very devision  of information and pattern of approach comes from the methodology developed through my writing and theory research. In my essay I conclude that it is possible to examine these separate aspects of the process in theory but in practice they are constantly interacting with one another in an ultimate synthesis of theory if you will. This is something I have considered at length, so that the main body of work is not just a practical finished piece but also an examination of the process to get to that finished piece. This reflection will then feed back into my essay, in the same way the different proximities feed into one another, in the form of the critical journal in my appendices.  So, the essay feeds into the practical in terms of methodology and theory, and the practical feeds back into the essay through reflection on practical synthesis. If that isn't essay/practical synthesis, I don't know what is.

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