Saturday, 11 January 2014

OUGD405 Studio Brief 03 Crit Analysis of Others Work

Below are some layout designs from the crit that caught my eye. In many ways they are the poor opposite of my own. they are simple clean cut and quite minimal in places. 
They re very much set in a strong and regimented grid and change quite a lot from one design to another but there doesn't seem to be much reason behind these design decisions. I really like the thin column of text down the centre of the page shown below but again their seems to be no reason for it. It could be said that the formal layout seeks to portray tattoos in a different light but is this what the pieces seek to communicate above all else. On the other hand a subject like luck will be very difficult to make into a layout theme, so perhaps this is the best of a bad situation.

There is a definite clean cut satisfaction to the careful application of the grid and for many other subjects I think this could really work well but I don't think it communicates the subject matter well. However, this doesn't have to a be a bad thing, these designs a very widely applicable which i a very good think. I just think that some kind of reflection of the subject matter in the layout could have improved them.

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