Friday, 17 January 2014

OUGD405 Studio Brief 04 Crit

The generally informal structure of this crit meant that people got to talk in a casual way about what they had created. A concept which really stood out to me was a booklet called (How to manually pilot your tardis) the tone of this was just perfect for fans of doctor who, It was taking its self seriously in a jokey manor that in no way belittled the show. The visuals were really strong as well with a great vector graphic of the tardis controls from above. This was so perfect because it was something that fans would instantly be able to recognise but that was not obvious creating a bit of a special appeal to a target audience. 

Another design that really caught me eye was a set of posters to promote the renaissance of records. they were simply typewriter passages on clean white paper. Once again what made this design so right was the fact that its tone fitted not only the subject matter but the target audience. People who buy records will not respond to advertising that shoves its self down your throat, they want something subtle and intelligent. These posters achieved just that.

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