Wednesday 9 December 2015

OUGD601 Context Of Practice 03 Practical Piece First Thought and Considerations

To kick off the thought process in terms of the practical side of Context of Practice 03, I  thought I would take a hint from my dissertation and use the process of creation to help me think. To do so I created a mind map on my chalkboard, showing the areas of thought that I need to address to make this successful and how they interlink.

The major question that I want to answer is:

How does chalk boarding created proximity in all the different forms that I have addressed in my essay?

In order to do this I need to use the practical to facilitate physical interaction, from which all other proximities stem. I also need a process of reflection on top of the process of creation so that I can understand the theoretical implications of the practical. I also need to be aware that we are in a digital age and using digital technology in cohesion with craft could be a great way to contextualise the work.

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