Tuesday, 12 January 2016

OUGD601 Context of Practice 03 Practical Piece Time Lapse Videos

The Proximity of Craft from Beth on Vimeo.
The Proximity of Craft Part 2 from Beth on Vimeo.


Overall I am fairly happy with how these videos turned out. Something that I was intent on achieving was a synchronistic of music and visual. Although there are certain limitations to this such as the necessity of narrative which also have to be obeyed, i.e. I couldn't jump around simply mixing music to visual, everything had to go in a certain order, I think I managed a good balance. I am pleased with how I managed to film, the wide angle not only showing people that interact with me while I am working but also showing the boards that I have already done. It took a while playing around with different replay speeds to get to the right mix. I think this has been achieved to best effect in the first video, where there is the most interaction with people. These are the best parts to slow down because it highlight them as important parts of the process and adds to the playful happy tone of the piece. I also made some use of transitions that I haven't used before. It actually worked really well to smooth over areas where large jumps in narrative are made and create a sense of time passing. One thing that I would like to improve would be the changes in camera angle. I like them overall but some greater consistency would have benefitted the finished videos. I even feel that, were this at any other time of year I would have asked a friend to film this, rather than statically filming it myself because my mind needs to be fully on the designs themselves and splitting energy between the designs and the boards is possibly not the best for high quality finished products. However, saying this I am still happy with what I have managed to achieve and think that this is indeed a successful way of measuring physical and social interaction facilitated by the project. Although, I would say that the camera didn't catch all interaction and this frustrated me. But the fact is that people will more readily talk to you when they feel like they are not interrupting something. I think that the physics proximity demonstrated by this piece can be easily overlooked because it is so obvious but my physical interaction with the boards is in each and every frame.

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