Monday, 21 April 2014

OUGD401 Context of Practice Brief 02 Creating the Chase

I set out a grid that would allow me to work to an A5 size with more than one page so that I could see the design and the chase at the same time. I have done this in illustrator so that I can transport the finished design to an indesign document for pagination.

This design by 'For the love of wood type' was my first attempt because I had the image of the full chase to work from

I included screw type fitting that I have seen on some chases because of the different width of some of the lines which is harder to do with straight blocks. It also creates a more complex look, more effectively communicating the complexity of the craft.

The reason this particular work doesn't use screws is because although the lines do not match up in width I managed to see the bed and know it was made without. This is a problem I have constantly encountered, there is no way of knowing exactly how these were organised, each person does it differently, so I have had to make up most of them from what I know of the printing process. I can't help feeling that I am not getting the message across enough. If only there was a way to make it interactive, almost like a jigsaw so that the reader could pop out the blocks and find how difficult it actually is to create a well fitted chase. i will talk to a tutor about this to see if it might be possible.

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